I have been waiting for Google releasing the official case for Nexus 7 in Canada for months but seems they are not going to sell it here. So my tablet is basically caseless with no protection if I bring it on the go. Those cases selling in Indigo or Chapters for Kindle Fire are actually a good size to the Nexus 7 but comes with a stiff price (like $30) and a not so attractive look.
OK, here comes with the photos:

All the plastic rims are trimmed and flushed, the tablet fit perfectly with the case. You don’t even have to push the tablet in, just slide it into the case.

The back of the case, see the pre-cut space for the speaker. Unlike the other cases for Kindle Fire, the speaker of Nexus 7 is not covered by the case.

Flipping the cover to the back can make the case act like a stand, give you a small inclined angle when using the tablet on the desk or your lap.
To get this case, click here. And this is for the same style in BLACK color.
Another feature worth to mention is that the case cover has a hidden magnet, which make the it acts like the smart cover for IPad. So if your tablet is in standby mode and you open the cover, the screen will be on, and when you close the cover, the screen will be off. Take a look in Dealextreme, as it also carries a selection of IPhone 5 cases in $2- $4 dollars range.